Research shows direct correlation of purpose to longevity, performance, engagement. Are you ready to change the game?
Paths 2 Purpose is the way.
Designed to help leaders, change-makers, and employees at all levels discover their purpose in at work and at home, increasing employee engagement, performance and retention. Paths 2 Purpose dives deep into the first section of The Grit Triad: Commit, setting the foundation for grit and resilience.
My People Are Ready
Build a Purpose-Filled Team
Paths 2 Purpose offers the tools you need to identify and live your own purpose, and to craft a purpose-driven culture, team, or organization. Whether you're a leader searching for the right fit for your team or an HR business partner searching for a scalable solution for an entire division, Paths 2 Purpose brings meaning and clear actionable steps to every participant.

Paths to Purpose uses methodologies across many disciplines with a proven track record, some going back as far as 1,000+ years.

or Solo
Paths to Purpose can be completed either on an individual track or with peer-to-peer learning teams for richer application.

Paths to Purpose utilizes numerous engagement techniques for adult learners like interactive worksheets, videos, and more.

Paths to Purpose ensures participants are properly equipped with the tangible next steps and tools to bring their learning to life.
"People who live their purpose at work are more productive than people who don’t. They are also healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay at the company." - McKinsey research, 2021

"By far the highlight of our meeting. Everyone loved her. 100% NPS for Shannon's training - world class!"
- Senior Marketing Manager, Intuit
When you invest in purpose, everyone wins. Here are just a few improvements you'll see across numerous aspects of your people strategy and talent management metrics, all leading to a better bottom line.

Deeper Engagement
Employees with a strong sense of their value to the organization are more deeply engaged in their work. Emphasize the value you place on your employees through intentional and consequential investments like ongoing learning and development opportunities.
Note from a participant:
“I want to tell you, one week in, you have transformed me,” he wrote. “have come to view myself through a lens of limitations. I felt defeated and a product of these problems. But, as I followed your lessons…My journey line became one of power and strength versus weakness and defeat.”

Increased performance
Paths to Purpose develops purpose in individuals that helps them connect to organizational purpose, encouraging better performance.

Increased Talent Retention
Enjoy benefits for years to come. Talent management research shows that investment into employees growth and rewards including learning or development opportunities are effective and beneficial retention tactics, with the potential for saving time and money related to turnover.

Impactful Career Ownership
Paths to Purpose empowers every participant with ownership over their own career and life. Team members and leaders alike will benefit from more clear and achievable short-, mid-, and long-term goals.
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